COORDINATORS CORNER Barry Gomberg is our featured faculty member for this month. Focusing his professional attention on the office of Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity, he still manages to devote time to the classroom and we are fortunate to have some of these energies benefit the program in his design and teaching of the cross-listed course "Sex Roles and the Law." I will remind you once again about the traditional student scholarship in Women's Studies and the Patti O'Neal Memorial Dance Scholarship. Send contributions to either or both to the Women's Studies Program (1217 University Circle, 84408-1217). Beginning the first week in June, the office will be closed completely. However, we have arranged to have voice mail (626-7632) continue; if you have trouble reaching us at that number, please call my Zoology office (SL408) at 626-6269. This will be the last newsletter of the academic year; we will resume publication with the September issue. Anyone who has news items for inclusion at that time should send them to the office before the end of August. Also, we have scheduled our fall Program Update and Planning Meeting (aka "Retreat") for 11 September 1996. Further details will be forthcoming. For those of you who might have tried to reach our WWW site, we have experienced a few bugs in its establishment. Please keep trying us at (note correction): http://www.weber.edu/womenstudies/wmnstdy.htm
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! As the academic years ends, we have many chances to celebrate accomplishments and awards, focusing on our students. We begin by congratulating the Phoenix Scholarship recipients for the 1996-97 academic year: June HarmoneyQ Cannon, Deborah Finn, Kathryn Higgs and Barbara Southwick. June and Barbara will attend the National Women's Studies Association Meeting in Saratoga Springs, NY, this June. They will serve as student representatives on the Women's Studies Executive Council for 1996-97; they will be joined by Richard Foley who will be an alternate representative. Rebeca Boyd will serve the Honours Programme next year as chair of the student organization; she will also spend part of her summer in England at Cambridge University. We have four minors who will graduate this month. Nancy Favero will get her BS degree in Criminal Justice, with minors in Psychology and WS. Nancy will continue working for Youth Corrections in Observation and Assessment. Natasha Kap will receive a BS in Social Work and will be on her way to graduate school in Social Work (and, perhaps, a law degree) at Washington University in St. Louis, MO. Natasha, also an Honours student, will graduate with University as well as departmental honours. At the annual Honours banquet, she received a "True Grit" award for her determination, and her stick-to-it attitude. She was "knighted" by the students "Lady in Waiting to Leave" Utah. She also will be the first official Outstanding Graduate in Women's Studies and her name will appear on a plaque in the Women's Studies office. Danielle Killian will receive her BS degree in Political Science. Also an Honours student, she was recognized and "knighted" at the annual banquet as "The Lady Who's Been There, Done That." Danielle will continue working at Roosters in downtown Ogden after her graduation. Lisa Webster is our fourth graduate this year and she will receive a BA in English. She plans to continue working with her current employer, Matrix, and "make her way up the corporate ladder." We in the program are extremely proud of our graduates and wish them all the best of luck in their future careers. One final note: Courtney Galloway is the contact person for organizing teams to participate in the
College Bowl. She is anxious to have people join this endeavor which hosts tournaments from on-campus to national levels in fall and winter quarter. Interested folks can contact Courtney at
FACULTY PROFILE: Barry Gomberg is not a Utah native (for those of you who were wondering) although the state has been "home" for him since 1977. While pursuing a Master's of Alternative Education from Indiana University, he and his wife, Deborrah, came to Ogden as program interns, intending to stay 9 months. They met Brad and Sharon Roghaar with whom they back-packed in the Uintahs and cross-country skied on Monte Cristo. After their internships, they decided to stay because of Sharon and the mountains and, Barry teases, "in spite of Brad." When he came to Utah, Barry held a B.A. in Independent Learning and (almost) a J.D., cum laude, both from Indiana University. He has a secondary social studies teaching certification, also from I.U. After deciding to settle in Ogden, he taught in alternative education programs for three years, worked on race and sex equity in the public schools for the Mountain West Educational Equity Center, and practiced employment and civil rights law. In 1988, Barry joined Weber State as Director of Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity, a position which he loves and which allows him to experience the range of human motives and behaviors from the seamiest to the most noble. He enjoys most his opportunities to conduct training sessions and to teach, both in public school and university classrooms. He has taught a class at Ogden High School for the last 15 years for which students now receive political science credit. He has taught school law in the M.Ed. program, team-taught an Honours seminar with Daily Oliver, and is responsible for development of the cross-listed WS course "Sex Roles and the Law." His teaching partners have included Jean White (who remains his idol), Kathryn Kendall (a former student in that course) and, most recently, Sandra Powell. In addition to professional service and teaching at Weber State, Barry has provided his energies to political campaigns, Planned Parenthood of Utah, Network magazine, Your Community Connection, and the American Civil Liberties Union. He is a member of Phi Kappa Phi honor society and, in 1992, received the Scott Matheson Award for Outstanding Service to Law-Related Education. In 1987, he was named "Honorary Woman of the Year" by the Ogden Chamber of Commerce, an award belonging in part to Deborrah because she has trained him "in matters of gender equity." His continuing education in that discipline is the responsibility of his daughters, JoAnna and Marina. Barry's non-academic interests include swimming, skiing and cooking, presumably with and/or for his three distinguished instructors. * * * * * * * * *